IFSC Code Incorrect
Due to the IFSC incorrect on bank account you bound. please submit on IFSC modification in self-service customer service center for modify your IFSC bank code to the correct one!Q: Why my withdraw rejected with remark IFSC Code incorrect?
A: This rejection is due to incorrect IFSC code bank you bound on 6CLUB account for withdraw, for withdrawal we need you to bind all data correctly including the IFSC code, sometimes there are banks that have IFSC codes with the letter O and the number 0 which are similar so that you are confused with the IFSC you are going to use.
Q: What will happen to my bound bank information if i submit IFSC Modification on self-service center 6CLUB?
A: Our system will make a checking and verification to the information that you provide and If all the information is correct. Our system will modify the correct IFSC bank code in your ID account
Q: How i can submit issue about IFSC Modification on self-service center 6CLUB?
A: What you need to do now is submit it on self-service center 6CLUB and follow this guide to submit it :
1. Login into your ID Account at :https://6club.in/#/login
2. Press Customer Service Icon
3. Select “IFSC Modification”
4. Fill correct IFSC bank code that you willing to change
5. Fill correct bank account number that you bound in your ID account
6. Press “Confirm”